Style is about details, not about price tags or labels-dont get me wrong, those help-but not necessary. See below.
Flamingos are chic and fabulous and add a little je ne sais quoi to any room. Your kitchen will look cooler. Or, throw it on your desk or use it for cotton balls in your bathroom. Trust.
Flamingo Cookie Jar, World Market $14.99

Chic Cookie Jar
Yellow, when it’s the right shade, is so perfect. This is that perfect shade. You can use these up until the Chriatmas tree goes up. Pair with wood, pink, blue, whatevs. You are golden. Oh yeah, dont forget your 20% coupon, I know you have a stash of them. 😉
Bermioli Rocco Sorgente 15.5 oz. Cooler Glass, Bed Bath & Beyond $6.99
There are a lot of greens that I LOVE. Then, there are a lot that gross me out. Plus, cheap velvet is the WORST. If you buy cheap velvet, you look cheap. This is the perfect rich, emerald/kellyish green.
Watercress Pillow Cover, by Williams-Sonoma $99

Best Green For Spring/Summer
Happy Shopping.