As we enter into Spring, we almost always think about fresh starts, the proverbial “cleaning house” in its various forms and dusting off what we deem as old and unneeded. That said, I decided to freshen up my demo reel. I’d like to think that a quick Google search brings up whatever anyone needs to know about me. But, the reality is that you have to do it yourself. In a funny way, all things in our lives involve a certain element of DIY, right? It’s always about doing things for yourself. So, thanks to my very talented and Emmy Award winning friend, Frank, here’s my new demo reel. It’s just a snippet of what I do, but an important snippet. When I look at these images I am reminded of how hard I work and how that work is rewarded with doing some really cool things with amazing people. And that I am proud that I have created a life where I can inspire people to try a little harder, know that anything is possible if you just try and that in the process we can have SO MUCH FUN.
Before you tackle any type of Spring Cleaning in your closet or your garage or your makeup bag, clean your mind, your thoughts and reset your goals. Rid yourself of what you don’t need, pay more attention to what you brings you joy and to what brings joy to others around you. It’s only then when the other stuff really starts to matter.
This Spring, I am tackling new projects, exploring some things that I’ve really wanted to do but been fearful of (yes, even I get fearful!) and letting go of what hasn’t proved to be productive to myself or my family. I thought it would be exhausting, but it’s really quite energizing and I encourage you to do the same. Chasing what you love is a journey you will never regret. You can clean out the basement later. š
I heard a great quote on YouTube the other day I’dlike to share with you:
“The only way you can do good work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Listen to your heart and your gut, hey almost intuitively know exactly what you need.”
And that my friends, is the ball game.